Christian Women's Fellowship (CWF)

The Purpose of CWF

To provide opportunities for spiritual growth, enrichment, education and creative ministries to enable women to develop a sense of personal responsibility for the whole mission of the church of Jesus Christ.

Meeting Time & Place

Held on the 1st Monday of each month at 2:00 pm in the church parlor – September thru May. If the Monday is a holiday weekend, the meeting is held the following Monday. In December and June the meeting is a luncheon and begins at 11:00 am. The June Luncheon is a salad luncheon with a guest speaker and invited guests. New officers are installed and Blessing Box offering are dedicated. 

CWF Past, Present, Future


So why have a Disciples Women/Christian Women's Fellowship ministry today? It is because God is still calling us to do the ministry that is ours to do. There is still great need in the world. And that need might be to know the love of God, it might be to be fed and housed and clothed, it might be to enable women to deepen their relationship with God. Today CWF is not the only channel through which women can take part in the work of the Christian Church, but it is the oldest channel. As the organization remains sensitive to and grown with the issues of the era in which it finds itself, it continues to fulfill its purpose